Check out these parrot rescue images:
088/365 Bob’s alive!?!

Image by david anderson : da-photography
Seems as though all that was lost was Bob’s hat. He’s escaped the clutches of the Cephalopods and made his way to a tiny spit of sand. All he can do now is watch the stars, wait and hope that friendly faces rescue him…
Setup shot:
OK – mucho props to Lighthack for this shot which is the inspiration (ok, shameless rip) for my 365. However, it doesn’t stop there, another of his excellent qualities is his setup shots, witness here: for the goodness.
Now, my starry, starry night isn’t anything like as subtle, but I’m well pleased that someone put the idea up for me to find. Tungsten white balance, the very idea!
Strobist: 430EXII onto crumpled foil for the background. 430EXII with CTO gel in a snoot to light Bob, and the camera white balance set to ‘Tungsten’ to give the blue cast to the background. Witness!
Parrot cichlid

Image by LHG Creative Photography
Pretty picture, but a very deformed and unhealthy hybridisation of fish species.
I only had this one cos it was a rescue. In terms of personality they were a pleasant enough fish to own, but escalating deformity claimed their lives four years into ownership. People should not produce these fish, its an aberration to every principle of natural evolution. Between the deformed mouth and jawline the indentiture at the back of the skull, the deformed ribcage and spinal structure, the metabolic tendancy to retain lethal levels of fat, and the poor gill structure in the males that lead to abrasion and infection, well, as far as I’m concerned anyone force breeding this is a world class bastard and animal abuser. There must be a million fish species to choose from that are aquarium suitable, all shapes, all sizes, all colours, and all we can do is create superficially cute but intensely deformed fish like these who suffer terrible lives.
The guys are the living proof that mankind knows nothing about the art of creation. We meddle, but we will never be the gifted artist that mother nature herself is. Without her patience we have not her gift of temperance and in our rush to manipulate and to change things quickly, all we ever do is create sufferring. When I see people breeding the worst of these fish from flowerhorns to parrots and label them masterpieces, I can’t help but think, how retarded that is. The cruelest devil in hell could do a better job. All we did was take an intelligent cichlid mind and encase it in a deformed and malfunctioning body to ensure it suffers its whole life.
I don’t use the term lightly, but people who breed these are by every rationale and viewpoint I know, unrepentantly and deliberately blind and completely evil. Stupidity is no excuse and the creation of this fish can never be rationalised away. If you happened to see the human equivalent of this, and perhaps see some sicko deliberately producing deformed children for sale, I think even the most pacifist among us might pick up a shotgun and go looking for the bastard.
"Its just a fish" people say. And your just a primate. What does it matter? If I was about to shoot some bastard in the face for the wrong they do, they had better mount a better defence than just mention the species they belong to. Just the same as if I choose help my fellow man its not because of what they are but who they are that matters. Compassion goes to the innocent first in my book.
Tags:088/365, Alive, Bob's