Question by kbilyak04: Feeding Pigeons in a Safe Place Away From Cats?
I have a birdfeeder in my backyard which hangs from the roof, but I also feed the pigeons back there. I have just been throwing seed on the ground for the Pigeons, but this has attracted the neighbors cats. How can I feed the pigeons and have them be safe from the cats?
I actually tried to throw some seed on the roof where they hang out, but the roof is slanted and all of the seed rolled into the gutter…….not the smartest thing I have ever done.
Best answer:
Answer by Jessette
Just like you do the other bird feeder. Just get another birdfeeder and attach it to your roof and put the seed in there. They will eat from there, especially if they see you putting it in there. Or maybe even throw it on the roof! j/k Good Luck
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Tags:away, birdfeeder, cats, Feeding, from, pigeons, place, safe
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