Question by Mikala and Lauren: What is a baby bird in a grape sized shell supposed to look like?
We found baby birds today in a well (farm pump style). They look smashed against the shell and we can’t tell if they are alive or dead. Please help.
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Answer by kay707kay
May be a finch, those are pretty small. To check if it’s alive you can use a small flashlight and hold it to the shell. They need to be in an incubator in order to hatch..They sell them at Tractor Supply and other stores like that. If they are about to hatch, the shell will be full of blackness with just the top being white. If there are still visible veins, you have a week or two left. The only way you will know if they’re alive or not is to leave them in an incubator and see what happens. If no hatching in a week, or growth, then toss them.
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Tags:Baby, bird, Birds, Grape, like, look, Shell, Sized, supposed
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