

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cool Thistle Bird Seed images

A few nice thistle bird seed images I found:

Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch at the Supper Table
thistle bird seed

Image by pmarkham
Goldfinches are one of my favorite birds. Their yellow plumage is so happy looking. I caught this pair feeding off of black thistle seeds from a feed sock hanging on a tree in my front yard. Yes — that’s my car in the background. So much for back to nature!

Diligent Farmer on His Tractor
thistle bird seed

Image by CaptPiper
Farmers feel this need to keep their fallow fields mowed. I prefer to leave them natural in their resting state. Think of all the finches feasting on those thistle seeds; all the monarch larvae feeding on the milkweed; all the spiders going about their business, lacing the flowers with circular webs that catch the dew; buzzing bees milking every blossom to make honey. Why must they mow? I understand that if they never mow, trees will grow and they must preserve the field for crops, but they could wait a long time between mowings and still do that.

If you notice some strangeness to this photo, I faked the sky. The original sky was colorless, almost white. So I cut that out and replaced it with the sky from another photo. It didn’t work all that great. The farmer looks like a cartoon. The bird was with the farmer in the original photo.

Tags:bird, Cool, images, seed, Thistle


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