

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Types Of Birds What types of birds are useful in eliminating mosquitoes? And how do you lure them to your yard?

Question by Dan: What types of birds are useful in eliminating mosquitoes? And how do you lure them to your yard?
I love working in my yard and have been hanging bird houses and bird feeders this year. I’ve really given no thought to particular types of birds though. Tonight I came inside because the mosquitoes were driving me crazy and it occurred to me that there is most likely some type of bird that eats mosquitoes…what are they and how do I get them to make my home their home?

Best answer:

Answer by judy_derr38565
Purple Martin houses….

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Birds, eliminating, lure, mosquitoes, them, Types, useful, yard


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