

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bird Table Have bird table and seeds. how do i attract the attention of the birds?

Question by Susan H: Have bird table and seeds. how do i attract the attention of the birds?

Best answer:

Answer by catzrme
Bird table? Do you mean “bird feeder? I thought so. Good start, now just wait till the birds find it. Here are some tips.

Make sure you have a “bird bath” nearby. Birds will actually come to water before food in the summer. They love the sound of moving water especially. Make sure your feeder is about 6 feet off the ground and there are some bushes within fllight reach. That way they will feel safe if they see a predator. Keep your feeder clean and full, especially clean in summer. Old seed will start to sprout with rain and humidity and could make your birds sick. If you want a certain type of bird, don’t buy the “mixes” sold at chain stores. Buy specific seed (niger for finches, safflower and black oil sunflower for cardinals, blue jays, etc.).

Other than taht, just sit back and enjoy. The more feeders you have, the more birds you will get coming to them.

Here’s a web site for more information, cause I could go on and on and on……

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:attention, attract, bird, Birds, seeds, Table


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