

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Baby Birds Q&A: How do I secure a bird nest with baby birds inside?

Question by taylorfan05: How do I secure a bird nest with baby birds inside?
There is a bird nest inside my wreath (secured by a suction cup) on my door. 3 or 4 baby birds just hatched a couple of minutes ago. The wreath is above my patio, and the weather is calling for strong winds and possible hail. What do I do to secue the nest, and make sure the mother comes back to it?

Best answer:

Answer by neversink
you can try using a wire to wrap around the top or the holder of the wreath, and the wire can be fed over the top of your door wrapping around to the inside of the door. This way, with the door closed, it should be more secure than with just a suction cup.

hope that helps.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Baby, bird, Birds, inside, nest, secure


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