Question by Michael B: Which bird Cockatiel or Quaker?
What are pros and cons to these both birds i know a lot about birds and i volinteer at a exotic bird store and am 12 if that matters. in august i will be goning back to school is 9 to 5 okay. Also i wanted to know is Oak fine, someplaces say it is good some say it is bad which one. Oh can they eat Eggo Waffles (with no syrup) lol. Will my 3 year old sister scare the birds half to deaath. Thanks for the help
i live in port st lucie florida
Best answer:
Answer by kmjnpbbppmajjbkhmbt
You going to school that long will be fine. Birds are very independent. The pros to have a cockatiel are that they are independent, they are not noisy, and they are interesting. There aren’t really any cons for cockatiels. I don’t know anything about Quakers. Sorry. No they can not eat Waffles. They can’t have any sugar or salt. Just as long as your sister doesn’t go near the bird or torture the bird then the bird won’t be scared.
I hope I helped!
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Tags:bird, Birds, Cockatiel, quaker
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