

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Finch Bird Feeders How do you know what type of bird seed to buy for all different birds?

Question by Susan: How do you know what type of bird seed to buy for all different birds?
I know that most birds enjoy eating black sunflower seeds. How can I find out some information on what specific birds like to eat specific bird seed? What do Chickadees, finches, black birds, wood peckers, etc. like to eat? Also, want to know how to keep the seed dry? Live in a very wet environment and my seed keeps getting wet. Then it starts growing plants and things. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Freedom
When you purchase bird seed look on the back of the package. It lists the birds that like that type of seed.
Here is a web site that tells which birds like which seeds.
Keep your extra seeds in a sealed glass jar or a bucket with an air tight lid and keep it in a cool place.
Tube type feeders will keep the seeds dry

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Tags:bird, Birds, different, Feeders, Finch, know, seed, type


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