Question by zayneb: Can someone help with backyard bird identification?
We have noticed some unusual birds at our feeders. They look like cardinals, except they are all brown. A few have the orange beaks like a cardinal, but most have brown beaks. But as I said, they are shaped exactly like a cardinal, with top crest and all. We live in southern Ohio, and I cannot seem to find a bird that fits this description for this area, unless they are just mutant cardinals. Anyone have any ideas?
I know female cardinals are less red than males, but they generally still have some red to them. These are COMPLETELY brown, and are too old to be juveniles as well.
Best answer:
Answer by bonami28803
Sounds like the female cardinal, she is brown, looks just like the red one, which is the male. Buy a field guide to birds.
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Tags:Backyard, bird, Help, Identification, someone
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