Question by Dia: I have a native Australian bird as a pet. I’m moving to India. How do I bring him there?
He’s a rainbow Lorikeet. I love him to death and refuse to leave im back home. Is there a license/ special agreement which is required?
Best answer:
Answer by zawni2004
So do you live in Australia? If so you will have to find out if its illegal for you to own the parrot or not.
You need to contact the agriculture dept in your country to see what all is required for you to take the bird out of the country. This will usually entail him seeing a vet before the leave and the new country may quarantine your bird for a certain about of time. If you contact your agriculture dept they should be able to to tell you what steps you need to do on both sides.
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Tags:Australian, bird, Birds, bring, India, Moving, native, pet., there
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