Question by bluewave5: I’m planning on buying a bird…?
Okay, so I pretty much have no idea about birds. My girlfriend wants one, so I thought for our year anniversary I’d get her 2 lovebirds ( I chose lovebirds because it kind of fits the occasion). So with this in mind, I have a few questions… 1. Are lovebirds the type to let you sit there and hold them and do whatever is it people do with pet birds or not? 2. would there be a better choice of bird as a pet that isn’t expensive? 3. How do you take care of birds? We live together and neither of us have owned any birds, but my girlfriend is very good with them. Also, about how much does it cost to set up a bird cage? I plan on doing some of my own research, but I just thought I’d see what other people have to say as well! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Michael R
I can only answer part of your question; if you want a bird that is not expensive, look in the classifieds. I got my cockatiel Rocky for 30$ with the cage and a table to put the cage on and a tablecloth and a sheet to put over his cage when it is time for him to sleep. And no bird is mean, but you’ve really got to do your research on your type of bird and you need to treat your bird firmly but calmly (no sudden movements) and carefully and respectfully. My experience with lovebirds, though, since ours was not exposed to many humans, was mean. So, a lesson to learn; introduce the bird to as many people as possible. But wash your hands first before cleaning, handling, or feeding your bird/its cage.
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Tags:bird, Birds, Buying, planning
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