

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Love Birds Q&A: does any one know about Love Birds?

Question by rtist333x: does any one know about Love Birds?
I was thinking about getting a love bird but I have a few questions.

1) will it keep me up all night if it stays in my bed room
2) what do i feed it
3) how much attention does it need
4) how warm should room be where it stays
5) do they talk
6) what type of cage do they like, how big
7) what kind of toys are good for it

if any one could answer any one of these questions that would be great


Best answer:

Answer by Locky&Pippa
Love Birds

1) No it will not, but all love birds are different so it might, so put a thin cloth over its cage so it feels safe + there will be no noise.

2) You can feed it various types of fruit and veggies such as apples(not the seeds tho for they are poisonous), broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce but do not feed it avacado!! this is highly dangerous for your love bird and it can kill it. Plus feed them a healthy diet of Love Bird Seed and Fresh water daily.

3) If you are just getting one it will need a lot of attention, so play with it for atleast about half an hr a day if it is going to be hand tamed. If not put a lot of toys in it’s cage.

4) The room should be fairly warm i am not certain about the degreese, sorry.

5) Yes they can talk if you train them.

6) If it’s one cage it would be a normal love bird sized cage, just ask your local pet shop.

7) All sorts of bird toys that you can buy for them! Shiny toys, mirrors, cosy toys and fun toys where they have to find food is always good for them because they usualy do that in the wild, finding food.

Hope this helped you, and Goodluck! :D

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Tags:about, Birds, know, Love


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