

Friday, March 14, 2014

Flightless Birds Q&A: The existence of species of flightless birds with wings suggests that...?

Question by licwid4c3: The existence of species of flightless birds with wings suggests that…?
A. they are ancestral to flying birds
B. they are not related to flying birds
C. they descended from flying birds
D. birds did not evolve from dinosaurs

Its A right?

Best answer:

Answer by Hellamund
No, it’s C. The wings in flightless birds are vestigial structures, meaning they no longer retain their original function. The wings evolved first and those birds could fly, but these birds later found no use for the wings because they did not need to fly to survive. They will probably disappear altogether in many, many years (but only if what is left of the wings has a negative effect on their survival).

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Birds, existence, Flightless, Species, suggests, that., wings


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