

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Finches Cordon Bleu and Society finch?

Question by Catie O: Cordon Bleu and Society finch?
On Christmas Eve, my sister bought me a Cordon Bleu finch, and I think it’s a baby. But knowing that they need to be in pairs, I bought a society finch to keep her (I think) company. But the Bleu keeps acting like she wants to get out of the cage by flying from side to side and landing sideways on the sides of the cage, even though there are four perches in the cage. They also peck at each other when landing on their favorite perch, but kind of like they’re bickering, not trying to hurt one another. Will they be okay together? And the cage is 19″ by 23″… is that okay? And can I feed them both mealworms? Thanks. :) )
Also, how can I get them to use their nest box and bird bath? I know that Cordon Bleus prefer to sleep on perches, but what about society finches?

Best answer:

Answer by Alyssa
Congrats on your new babies!

Out of all the finches, I think the Cordon Bleu is the most beautiful.

Now, on to your question. Birds know a different species when they see one. And in a lot of cases, two different species should not be housed together. I think the thing you should do is purchase a second cage. There have been many cases where either the one bird plucks the other one or when the one bird prevents the other one from eating, causing one of the birds to starve.

I don’t think you should buy a nest box, because if your finches are females it could promote them to start laying infertile eggs. There are a lot of risks involved with hens laying eggs such as egg binding and chronic egg laying.

Are you giving your finches just mealworms? They need more then that. Give your finch plenty of carbohydrates, which are essential for their nervous system. Buy a good finch seed mixture from your local pet supply store.Know that your pet finch will need ten amino acids regularly. These can be provided by a fortified feed mix. Add protein to your finch’s diet to aid bone and muscle strength and enzyme production. You can feed your finch mealworms, which can be purchased at a pet store. Provide vitamins and minerals from supplements. You can purchase liquid vitamins to be added to the water from most pet supply stores. Give your finch plenty of fresh water.

When it comes to using the bird bath, each bird is unique. All of my birds hate taking baths. So, I purchased a spray bottle. About once a week I give them a light spray with warmish-cold water. It keeps their feathers clean.

If you do separate them into different cages, you can keep the cages next to each other. They will still have the company of another bird, without the ability to harm each other.

If you still think they are lonely, you could always buy them a mate of the same species of finch.

Don’t buy them any mirror toys, as they will think their reflection is another bird. Finches are really social, and will be happy to have a “buddy” in the mirror, but will become depressed when he finds that the “other bird” won’t sing to him or preen him.

Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Bleu, Cordon, Finch, Finches, Society


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