

Friday, March 14, 2014

African Grey Parrot How to help this African grey parrot.?

african grey parrot
by kewoin

Question by Zoe: How to help this African grey parrot.?
I have been given an African grey parrot who seems to have no idea how to fly or step up. I already have 5 parrots who are happy and have lots of time out of their cages and are given the best life. I have another African grey who is friendly and not one of my birds are scared of me, nor are there any signs of feather plucking . They have a routine and I have no problems with them at all. However my new African grey seems to want to be friendly. He puts his head down for a tickle and doesn’t mind me touching his back. But he hates having his feet touched and has absolutely no idea how to fly. It’s heart breaking. I believe that he has never been outside of his cage and yet he must be about 15 years old :( I leave his cage door open and he is beginning to be a little more adventurous. He comes out and sits on the outside occasionally .He isn’t in the same room as the others atm, as I want him to get used to them slowly. He’s in the living room with me and my niece. Any tips on how to help this little bird learn to fly or step much would greatly be appreciated. I’ve kept parrots for 20 years but not come across anything like this before :( thank you

Best answer:

Answer by pegunderson
Its in birds nature to fly. If he really hasn’t had the opportunity, he may not know he knows, but after he sees other parrots fly, and gets more used to his habitat, he will quickly learn.

Patience is key to teaching birds how to step up, just work with him a lot, and make sure to praise him and give him treats when he is doing a good job. Don’t overwhelm him though, because even if you don’t mean to, it could cause stress and feather plucking. You seem like you’re on the right track, just give it some time and he will learn. :)

Your experience with lots of birds makes you seem like you would be able to answer my question. Help please? Thank you. :);_ylt=AmZO2nTgvPz2RuVtYEao6d7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120514105431AAHgDbu

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Tags:African, Grey, Help, Parrot, this


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