Question by Hannah: what bird is this in my garden (with photo)?
there are two pairs of this type of bird that visit my garden regularly, I think they are a type of thrush but I dont know what type, could someone tell me what type os thrush they are?
this is the bird:
I’m in England, it’s a bit bigger than a blackbird and i know it’s a trush but i want to know what type of thrush it is.
Best answer:
Answer by twofeathers
i did an online search of north american birds but could not find anything like this bird. you might try emailing a pic to …..
they might be able to identify your bird as they have photographed thousands of birds in america.
you also might want to consider entering your photo in contest at as your picture is very good. let me know if you find out what type bird this is. it didn’t match any pics of thrushes that i was able to find.
good luck.
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Tags:bird, Garden, Photo, photos, this
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