Question by Ghost In The Fog: Can I keep a female cockatiel and a male cockatiel in the same cage?
I got a female and a male cockatiel from the pet shop last week. The guy who sold me the birds said Its okay to keep them together in the same cage. But a few days ago,I’ve found out that the male cockatiel attacks the female cockatiel. Is this normal? Or do I have to separate them?
And also,do you have any advices on taming my cockatiels?
I never had a bird before so I really need your help!
Best answer:
Answer by Bree2Fly
of coarse you can. the same species of the opposite sex go perfectly together. however when you introduce the new bird, it will defend it’s territory. give it a week or so and he will be fine with her.
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Tags:cage, Cockatiel, Cockatiels, female, keep, male, same
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