

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Buy Birds where to buy bird eggs and make a incubater at home?

Question by Tony: where to buy bird eggs and make a incubater at home?
im really want to raise a bird and see it hatch so where to buy healthy bird eggs and make a homemade incubater please tell me

Best answer:

Answer by Kit
You can buy fertile eggs off ebay and they’ll be posted to you. Just make sure you buy from a good seller. There isn’t just chicken eggs, there’s pheasant, quail, turkey, duck, peacock and other types of bird eggs, I saw emu eggs listed for hatching on there the other day and was tempted.
I currently have 8 chinese painted/button quail incubating, the eggs I bought off ebay and they all appear fertile, (I use a torch I got off ebay with high intensity LEDs to candle the eggs to check).
Also, I think you could check a local farm and see if they would sell you any.

My incubator is also off ebay, I wanted to make my own but I didn’t know how to wire everything you need up. The cheapest incubator I found was a home-made one, just a polystyrene box, but it had a heat lamp, thermostat and fan which were all connected so I had no work to do, just plug it in. It cost me about £35, including postage. The quail eggs I bought cost £6.

Here are some different home made incubators with info on how they’re made on backyard chickens.

Goood luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:bird, Birds, eggs, home, incubater


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