Question by drnotwhoyouthinkiam: What kind of bird fits this description?
I live in southern california. It was some sort of hawk or bird of prey. It was smaller than a red tailed hawk. It was mostly a medium grey color with dark grey areas on his head and back. He was facing away from me so I couldnt see its underbelly. Its tail was very distictive, mostly a light grey color with two thick darker grey horizontal bars(about 2 inches thick), with a white tip, so in a light grey, dark grey, light grey, dark grey, white. Its beak was light in color. It seems pretty slim compared to the hawks that live near here and stick around and I’ve never seen one similar before. What do u think?
Best answer:
Answer by redheadedgramma831
sparrow or kestral hawk.
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Tags:bird, Birds, description, Fits, kind, Prey, this
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