

Friday, May 17, 2013

Parrots Q&A: How do Dutch parrots survive the wintertime?

Question by Unkulunkulu: How do Dutch parrots survive the wintertime?
As most folks in Den Haag (Netherlands) know, there’s a lot of parrots. So where do they go in the cold Dutch winter. I just saw one blow past my window at about 500km/h and I’m not sure if parrots were designed for windkracht 7 and cold autumn rain.

Are parrots just a lot tougher than I think, or do the city council just buy a new flock when the old ones get blown into the side of towerblocks?

Best answer:

Answer by Salmon
If you have the Indian ringneck parakeets that we have in the UK, they are hardy little birds and survive the winter very well.
They are becoming a pest in the UK and it will soon be legal to kill them. :-(

I love the bit at the end of your post.
It made me laugh.:-)
It is really windy here too but I only have wood pigeons whizzing past..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Dutch, Parrots, survive, wintertime


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