

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Identifying Birds Q&A: What bird sounds like a dog whining?

Question by ATC: What bird sounds like a dog whining?
Calling all BIRDERS! I’m trying to identify a bird by sound. I have heard a bird either close to or at our feeder but it’s gone before I can get even a glimpse, so I cannot provide any detail about appearance. We have two large dogs, and the bird sounds exactly like a high-pitch whine from a large dog. (I’m very certain that the sound is not coming from one of my dogs) I’ve seen similar internet posts, but none have a definite answer. This bird has visited about three times in the last week, and our dogs don’t typically whine, so I do not think it’s a bird such as a starling that can imitate quite well. Anyone??
Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to include my location. I’m in New England; specifically south central Massachusetts
Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to include my location. I’m in New England; specifically south central Massachusetts

Best answer:

Answer by Rebecca
I have no idea about birding, but you may want to say your general location so other people can help you identify the bird. good luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:bird, Birds, Identifying, like, Sounds, whining


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