

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nice Thistle Bird Seed photos

Some cool thistle bird seed images:

“mom, can you make me a sandwich please?”
thistle bird seed

Image by MaryTClark
A young Gold Finch inspecting our feeder. The mother was chirping really loudly at him from below. I wonder if she said "I’m tired of shoving barfed up thistle seed in your beak, now get down here and learn how to feed yourself!!" Ah, the gentle loving nudges we give our children as we teach them to fend for themselves. :o ] I wonder if he will go back to the nest later and ask her to make him a sandwich. :o P Eventually all moms want them back home just for a bit to care for them a little more. If you’re lucky, they will come home for sandwiches and hugs their whole lives. ♥ Happy Mother’s Day!

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
thistle bird seed

Image by Deanster1983
Caught in the act, this beautiful Goldfinch is enjoying one of its favourite foods – thistle seeds.
Photographed in Southwold, Suffolk, England.

Tags:bird, Nice, photos, seed, Thistle


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