Question by Jeanie: What type of bird would make a good companion for my goffin cockatoo?
I have a 6yr old goffin cockatoo,she’s never been had another bird in her cage. I Want to get another bird ,and I I have found another cocktoo and a conure but I want to know what other types of birds you can put together that ARE NOT sharing cages. I can take them out at different times but the cages will be close together. I would like for them to play together at some point though.
Best answer:
Answer by •Stacy•
It depends on your bird, and the new bird, really. Remember to quarentine the new bird away from your cockatoo until you can get a proper vet check-up to make sure the new bird isn’t sick and won’t make your current bird sick. It’s also no guarentee the birds will get along. Some do, most don’t. You do need to be ready to have two birds who hate each other if you decide to risk another bird. But then again they may end up liking each other, or at least tolerating each other.
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Tags:bird, Birds, cockatoo, Companion, goffin, Good, type, Types, would
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