

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Birdfeeder I have a birdfeeder, BUT pidgeons have moved in and scare the other birds. How do I get rid of the pidgeons?

Question by The LAB: I have a birdfeeder, BUT pidgeons have moved in and scare the other birds. How do I get rid of the pidgeons?
I want to keep the birdfeeder and the other birds, but the pidgeons are gross and poop everywhere. Is there a way to keep the feeder, but get rid of just the pidgeons?

Best answer:

Answer by Renata Grace
The answer is in the type of birdfeeder. A Metal feeder mounted on a pole that has settings by weight. I keep it set so only the small birds can feed. If pigeons or crows,etc. land on the feeder, it automatically closes the seed source due to the weight. If you just have open hole feeders its fair game for any fair weathered friend… I think I found this at the Audobon society website but local hardware or nurserys also carry them.
Hope this helps :)
Renata Grace

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Tags:birdfeeder, Birds, moved, pidgeons, scare


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