

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bird Table Do magpies scare off other birds from my bird table?

Question by : Do magpies scare off other birds from my bird table?
I have a bird table set up in my garden, containing of foods such as, fat balls, mixed seeds, mealworms, insect feasts etc….. everytime i top up the tray of mealworms, magpies always come and scoff most of the mealworms, i am not too bothered about this its just i was wandering, when other birds such as tit’s or robins see magpies on my table, will they be scared to go and feed from it whilst the magpies are there? will the magpies scare them from coming? thanks..

Best answer:

Answer by Fresh Pisuttisarun
Yes they will. Magpies are very aggressive and would most likely scare and chase other small birds from the tables. Good cool stuff, I have an idea of setting a bird table :D

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Tags:bird, Birds, from, magpies, scare, Table


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