

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Identifying Birds Identifying birds in california?

Question by wasted you†h.: Identifying birds in california?
specifically in the bay area

i need help on identifying these birds, it’s in my flickr photostream:

photo #s: 008, 020, 019,018, 016, 015, 013, 012, 010, 009, 006, 004, 001, & 002

thank you so much♥ !

Best answer:

Answer by DrJ
8- probably immature White-crowned Sparrow
20 and 19 and 16… Brewer’s Blackbird
18… probably European Starling
15…. either a Cooper’s Hawk (likely) or a Sharp-shinned Hawk
12.. American Robin
10… too bad it’s blurry, could be a Cedar Waxwing but don’t expect that on a roof
9 and 4…. female and male Anna’s Hummingbird
6… Snowy Egret
1…. probably an American Crow
2… Dark-eyed Junco

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Birds, California, Identifying


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