

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finch Bird Feeders what is happening with my bird feeders!!?

Question by I<3SeaLions: what is happening with my bird feeders!!?
okay, i have this little bird feeder and its very popular with birds. but recently, i looked outside and i didnt see it hanging on the hook that it usually is on. so i went outside but it wasnt there. i looked all around the perimeter of the bird feeder hanger. it wasnt there! and also recently, i got a finch feeder and not to long after the other bird feeder went missing, i found this one on the ground with the bottom smashed out! and i dont think that just falling would make the bottom smash. what has been happening with my bird feeders? do u think its and animal? someone vandalizing? WHATS HAPPENING!?


Best answer:

Answer by radiorog8
sounds very much like vandals any birds or varmits could not smash a feeder hope this helps

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:bird, Feeders, Finch, happening


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