Question by sandywinters: How to attracts bird to an apartment balcony with no trees around?
I got a suet bird feeder and attached it to the railing of my balcony-no birds yet. Online it says to attach them to trees HOWEVER there are no trees around my balcony. How can I get the birds to come? I used an all year around no melt suet cake in the feeder.
Best answer:
Answer by gas man
woodpeckers are mainly the only ones that like suet,no trees no woodpeckers,,put oily sunflower seeds out and water,i use a heated dog dish for the h20,,may take awhile for the birds to find it,,dont waste your $ on bird seed mix,i have been feedind the birds for 30 years,they love oily sunflower seeds
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Tags:Apartment, around, attracts, Balcony, bird, Cakes, Suet, tree's
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