Question by : Does anyone know any interesting (or useless) facts about the booby bird?
For last minute homework I need a small project on the booby bird and for one section 10 facts about it. If you have any interesting/useless/weird/funny/random facts about this bird, PLEASE share them!!! The internet is being really useless for me now and it is due tomorrow.
Thanks so much in advance!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Natalie A
Life span: 15 – 20 years
The term "Boobie" is believed to come from the Spanish word "bobo". In English this term means "Stupid".
blue-foots nest on land at night. When day breaks, they take to the air in search of seafood.
They may fly far out to sea while keeping a keen eye out for schools of small fish.
They fold their long wings back around their streamlined bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feet (24 meters).
Blue-footed boobies also use their webbed feet to cover their young and keep them warm.
Thats all i could find
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Tags:about, Anyone, bird, booby, Facts, interesting, know, useless
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