Question by moJo Jojo: How can I attract birds to my bird feeder?
I put up a bird feeder a couple of days ago, and not one single bird has come near it… I tried putting bird seed on the ground and I was successful in getting the attention of some blue jays, but they avoided the feeder…
Does anyone know why birds are avoiding my feeder?
Does anyone know how to get the birds to feed from my feeder?
Should I buy a bird bath?
BTW I live in south Florida….
Best answer:
Answer by Jenn D
Just keep it full of seed and give it time. It took about a month for the birds to really get used to our feeder. Our bird feeder is usually only busy early in the morning. Btw… try a dish of peanuts… blue jays love peanuts… A bird bath can’t hurt if you want. It’s fun to watch them come get drinks and clean themselves. … west-central florida
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Tags:attract, bird, Birds, feeder
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