

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Q&A: How is the best way to stop other birds from building nests in my Blue Bird Houses?

Question by bob a: How is the best way to stop other birds from building nests in my Blue Bird Houses?
I have a guard on my bird houses but other birds still get their small sticks in the houses.
Best answer:
Answer by momtoangel
At the beginning of the nesting season, keep an eye on what type of nest is being built in your blue bird house. If it’s “neat”, that’s a blue bird. If it’s a sloppy nest, it’s probably a sparrow. If you don’t want sparrows to build, just pull the nest out on a daily basis. There is nothing you can do to “prevent” sparrows from building, you can just discourage them at the beginning of the nest building season. If there are eggs in a well-built nest, please don’t throw them away – it’s just a fact of life that sometimes we will get other birds building and nesting in our blue bird houses. Personally, I feel that whomever gets their first, gets the box (as I have about 20 of them!) Good luck!
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