

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Identifying Birds Help identifying birds? D:?

Question by Panda Cookie: Help identifying birds? D:?
Hi, I’m trying to identify birds, and I’m having a lot of trouble. I’ve tried using, but I guess I’m doing something wrong because I’m not getting any matches. So if you know the names of any of these birds, please tell me! D:
Here are the pictures (sorry if they’re kinda crappy, my camera is bad and I’m a very amateur photographer):

(The last two are the same bird, but taken at different angles.)

I’m really desperate here, so if you have any bird identification tips/suggestions, they’d help very much.
Oh, and I live in Central California, if it helps any.
Well, thanks so much for any help you can give! :O
To be more specific, I live in the Central Valley.

Best answer:

Answer by bravozulu
first one is definitely a mockingbird. We have many in SoCal

2. Starling? hard to tell at that angle

3. fist impression is some kind of nuthatch

4. pigeons but hard to tell. band tailed pigeon, clark’s nutcraker both in that region

5 and 6 young mockingbird or maybe a female

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Birds, Help, Identifying


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