Question by Christine: found baby blue jay birds with mom dead next to them?
I have 4 baby blue jay birds that i have found and the mom was dead next to them so i have them with no idea how to care for them. I have watered down some rice cereal because they look so hungry and thats all i have at this time. will this be ok and i am taking asking for some suggestions.
Best answer:
Answer by Holly
They like to eat bread and give them worms and chopped up thing because they are small. For bathing you need to take a small dish about half a inch thick and pour water over them. If they bite then wear gloves! It is illegal but I DO NOT trust animals shelter or any place that says take the birds here just take care of them. For the bed you can have a cardboard box and new papers and fluffy stuff like cotton! Let them go into open spaces or just make it a large box and tall. When they can start flying put a net over the top so you don’t lose them. If the cereal has sugar do not feed them that. Please answer some of my questions when you have the chance! Thank You
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Tags:Baby, bird, Birds, Blue, dead, found, next, them
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