Question by Gingerjam B: Why won’t the birds come to my garden?
There are no trees or bushes in our garden – only stone. We have a full bird feeder and bird-seed cakes out in the garden. But no birds come to our garden. The bird feeder is hanging from the shed at the back of our garden. We don’t have a cat. I don’t mind which birds come to my garden as long as they do come, but I prefer the little ones e.g Warblers. I can’t really plant any trees or bushes. A bird bath would help but it costs. Any tips on why this is or how i can persuade them to visit?
Thanks, Gingerjam.
Best answer:
Answer by nixity
For the most part warblers won’t visit feeders – they are primarily insect eaters, not seed.
How long have you had your feeders up, and where are you located?
The lack of protection/shelter in the form of trees/bushes could be a fairly simple explanation as to why they are hesitant – they have no where to hide in order to determine whether the area is safe for them or not.
Although you don’t have cats, there are other potential predators around that makes close shelter imperative for birds to be able to get to quickly from feeders.
If you haven’t had them up long – give it a week or so, they have to learn its there first, too!
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Tags:bird, Birds, Cakes, come, Garden, Suet, won't
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