

Friday, December 6, 2013

Goldfinch Is it legal to keep a wild bird that is injured?

Question by Octavian: Is it legal to keep a wild bird that is injured?
Two goldfinches ran into each other in our backyard, and one of them feel to the ground with his wing out at a weird angle. There’s currently a snowstorm going on, so we put him in this area where he would be safe from the wind and gave him some food. In the morning, his wing easily fit back to his body and he had eaten some food, but he had snow on him because he couldn’t fly. He still has not flown, he’s just been hopping around on the ground and I think his wing’s broken. We have budgies right now and so we have an extra bird cage, so is it legal to keep him in there until he can fly or until spring? We live in the country so we have this hawk that’s been flying around our house lately. He’s a full grown adult by the way.

Best answer:

Answer by Keith B
It may be illegal depending on your state. Call your states fish and game commission and ask how you can surrender the bird. Either way if the bird does have a broken wing it must see a vet. If the wing heals incorrectly it could never fly again.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:bird, Goldfinch, injured, keep, Legal, wild


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