Question by Skhi: What if a parrot selller doesnt sell there parrots without a medical certificate?10points?
What if a parrot selller doesnt sell there parrots without a medical certificate?10points?
The person we are inquiring about say they “We are Parrot Society members and the babies are closed rung with identification numbers.” but they don’t come with a medical certificate as they are not dogs? Is it bad if they dont have a medical certificate?
Best answer:
Answer by angeloneus
Parrots can be raised locally or be brought in from overseas. There are a number of diseases that parrots can carry and look perfectly healthy, diseases that can persist lifelong in the bird and be passed on to other birds and sometimes to people, and it is nearly impossible to prove with tests that the bird doesn’t carry some of these diseases. The testing is not perfect and it is expensive, so very few bird raisers will have any done. Birds are sold in a ‘buyer beware’ environment. If you buy a bird from anyone, medical certificate or not, I would recommend that you take the bird to an avian vet immediately for testing to do what you can to make sure its healthy. Expect to pay at least $ 200-$ 300 extra for this on top of the purchase price of the bird. More extensive testing will cost more.
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Tags:bird, certificate10points, doesn't, Identification, medical, Parrot, Parrots, sell, selller, there, WITHOUT
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