

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bird Identification How can one identify a spider by region?

Question by The Impressive Empress: How can one identify a spider by region?
I am writing an article on how a person can help to identify a spider based on it’s region. For example, a bird-spider is about the size of a paper plate (leg-span) and I know that those kinds of spiders are not here in Ohio because of the size.

Is there a website that states how to identify a spider by region?

Best answer:

Answer by J E should be able to help with spider identification by region, among other things.

Though I would seriously caution you against using internet based identifications. Chances are you will not accurately know the species unless it’s incredibly distinctive. Most spiders will require a dichotomous key and a fairly decent dissecting scope for proper identification.

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Tags:bird, Identification, Identify, Region, spider


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