Question by Kendra L: How do you take care of an unidentified baby bird?
My friend and I found a baby bird about a day old (i think) its eyes are still shut, and barely has any feathers. Two injuries: One wing is broken, and the other is scabing over. Both have blood on them. What should I feed it, and how do i care for its injuries untill we get it to a bird sancuary?
Best answer:
Answer by Laurie
Put the bird into a container with a soft base that is warm and dark. You can use a heating pad on low under the container. Use an eyedropper to give it Pedialyte to keep it hydrated. Chicks that have experienced stress like this need these two things most of all. If you feel it is strong enough in the morning you can use watered down baby food, veggies are best. But hopefully, you can get it to a rehab or a vet before you need to learn more. Good luck!
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Tags:Baby, bird, Birds, Care, take, Unidentified
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