by slambo_42
Question by Dee Allen: How to make my finches use their nest correctly?
I recently bought my finches a new nest for them to sleep in similar to the bamboo nests but made of grass instead. They will sleep on top of the nest, but wont go into the opening and sleep inside of it. Im not sure how to get them to use it correctly and its been a few weeks since they have had it, any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by gail
LoL—I’m sure they are using it the way they want to. The birds don’t think of what you offer as needing to be used in a right or wrong way. I keep zebra finches and offer a couple styles of nests. I’m pretty sure I have a few of the style you describe but have never put one in a cage, they’re just in my “box o’ finch crap”. I keep my males & females separated but place a few nests in each cage. Example: a cage of 12 males has 3 of those bamboo closed nests & 2 open nests. They are so silly, sometimes I find 7 or 8 birds jammed into one closed nests. There is always one bird (occasionally 2) that will stay out of any nest all night sleeping on top of a closed nest. This is what I refer to a a “sentry”. I seldom see this w females but it’s every night w the males. It’s like they are standing guard.
If you want the birds to go into a closed nest you will have to give them one they are willing to go into, I’m afraid. Btw, many people who are serious breeders do not use the kind of nests you’re talking about. They use wooden or plastic nesting boxes. Here is a link to a site that shows how to make nest boxes for finches from milk cartons: So don’t get too stuck on how a nest has to be used if it’s just for sleeping, your birds will do what makes them most comfortable. Enjoy your finches, they are so cute.
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Tags:correctly, Finches, nest, their
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