Question by Taylor: Simple Step by Step on how to find the constant of proportionality?
The Queston is ,,,
Find the constant of proportionality.
On Monday and Tuesday I watched Finches and Blue Jays feeding at my bird feeder. They were so beautiful. Calculate the k for the ratio between the number of yellow finch birds and the number of blue jays that I observed on Monday and Tuesday.
Day Yellow Finch Blue Jays
Monday 56 24
Tuesday 98 42
can someone help?
Best answer:
Answer by Marley K
yellow to blue:
Monday: 56/24 = 7/3
Tuesday: 98/42 = 7/3
the constant of proportionality is 7/3 on both days.
that’s it!
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Tags:bird, Constant, Feeders, Finch, find, proportionality, Simple, step
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