Question by Grandma of 2: I have a TON of wildbird seed on the ground…Any Ideas on how to save it?
I have a bird feed stake that holds 4 birdfeeders. I have been lucky enough to attract a lot of birds to my yard, however, if I fill them in the morning, I can get up the next morning and the birds have eaten through-out the night and have kicked all the birdseed out onto the ground and the feeders are empty. I must have a 3 inch pile of birdseed on the ground. Is there any ideas out there that can tell me how to catch and reuse this birdseed without raking it up and throwing it away?? The seeds drop into my flower bed and I have a ton of sunflowers growing, which I don’t want. I have gotten so mad, I have finally stopped feeding the birds. I can’t believe I am the only one that has their birdseed kicked out onto the ground. Any ideas would be helpful.
Best answer:
Answer by krennao
I would think eventually they will eat it off the ground. But that depends if you have animals that may scare them away from that. I would stop filling the feeder and let them eat it off the ground.
For the flower bed and the extra seeds that fall, move the bird feeder ?
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Tags:Birdfeeders, ground...Any, ideas, save, seed, wildbird
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