

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Birdcage Q&A: How often should i clean out my lovebirds nest box?

Question by Steven: How often should i clean out my lovebirds nest box?
Hey guyes i have a nest box in my birdcage and the pair of lovebirds love going in it. The nest box use to be on the bottom of the cage but just yesterday i moved it to the top because while it was at the bottom they did not use it, so i put it at the top and they are using it, going in and out of it a lot. But how often should i clean the poo out of it? And also does it mean anything if they take the materials out of their nest and play with it?

Best answer:

Answer by Patilla
The adult birds don’t generally poop in the nestbox. It would be babies that do, so after each clutch of chicks, the box should be cleaned out unless the birds begin to lay eggs immediately again. Then you might just want to add some extra pine shavings to the nest.

I’ve found that birds like to chew up and make their own nesting material. With lovebirds, you can provide clean willow branches and twigs for them to carry up to the nest to make their own substrata. They will also chew up and carry plain undyed or untreated newspaper to fill their boxes.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Birdcage, clean, Lovebirds, nest, often, should


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