

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finches How did the Darwin Finches evolve the behaviors they have? What behaviors could have led to the morphologies?

Question by : How did the Darwin Finches evolve the behaviors they have? What behaviors could have led to the morphologies?
Please answer this question for me:
How did the Darwinian Finches evolve the behaviors that they have (which can be surmised from their morphology which I am only secondarily interested in).
Also, if you know more please answer these questions for me:
Which bird is the most complex versus the most not-complex? What is in between?
How did the Finches get trapped on the Galapagos Islands?
How are the Galapagos Islands so favorable to the Darwinian Finches?

Best answer:

Answer by K
Hi, the questions themselves are not the best phrased in realtion to the potential answers.

However, if you look at the wikipedia links below you will be able to sort out what you want.

Check out both competitive exclusion and adaptive radiation which should help you formulate your answer regarding how,

Complex vs non-complex is not a good way of looking at things, however the most “complex” bird family is considered the Passeriformes, so something like a finch would do as most complex, and the least possibly an Ostrich.

Trapped Finches, again not the best mental image, they were colonising new land and will help.

“favourable” – the same as any other species that has adapted to a specific niche, and

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Behaviors, could, Darwin, evolve, Finches, morphologies, they


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