Question by April: finch question (with bird feeders)?
my mom loves birds and we had our kitchen compleatly re done. we move our bird feeders infront of the window. we have 2 bird feeders and the rest of them are coming back but the finches arnt coming back it has been 2 weeks. she also put aluminum foil on it to try to attract them will they ever come back????????????
Best answer:
Answer by Samantha
I know that this has happened to me before..this is what happened.
1. They can’t find it sometimes, and it might take a little bit for them TO find it.
2. If not that, they don’t like the fact that you have moved it, or they don’t feel comfortable with the feeder that close to the house.
3. Some birds don’t like it when humans come near or move their stuff like nests or feeding sites.
I think that in a little while, they will get used to the change, and probably will come back.
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Tags:bird, Feeders, Finch, Question
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